It’s the end of Japanese week without the kid’s parents.
Sister told me that she would introduce me a typically Australian food.
She asked me to let her take a supermarket because it wasn’t in our home.
The food which she bought is…
The brown paste is in a jar.
Sister told me that it made from macadamia nuts.
In fact, Australia produces a large amount of macadamia nuts and it seems to be loved by Australian.
Especially, nutella is very famous and popular in foods which included macadamia nuts.
It looks like chocolate and the taste and texture is similar to the chocolate spread which I had school lunch in past.
Nutella is also commonly spread on toast.
Sister introduced me to nutella she had just bought while holding it in her hand.
She put her finger in the jar, take some, lick, take some and lick…
I looked her again while later.
Wow, it was gone…?!!
The nutella that I thought it is enough for a week was gone in an instant.
Nutella is a devil food that once children start eating it, they can’t stop until it’s gone.
The hectic week, Japanese week.
Now it’s finished!
