It’s crazy

Au pair

The beginning when I started to live here as an au pair, I would often scream the words in my mind.

>>> クレイジーだぜ!!( It’s crazy!!) <<<

I can avoid thinking several things by screaming these words. It was a strategy to protect my mind.

Today, I’ll write one story that caused me to scream the words.

It happened suddenly.

The place was in the bathroom.

Our home has two bathrooms, one is for parents and the other is for kids.

I use the bathroom that the kids use.

Now, where is the incident happening?

It’s the toilet in the bathroom.

Our family’s bathroom. One toilet and one basin are in the room. The shower room’s wall is made of glass and the bath is out side of there.

In the morning, I go to the bathroom to go to the toilet.

I look at the toilet bowl.

>>> The toilet isn’t flushed! <<<

At the first time I looked at it, I thought the kids had forgotten to flush and that this was a coincidence and I was optimistic.


Oh, it’s remained again?

Opps, today too?

Hey kids, do you know what? You must flush after going to the bathroom?!! :_(

Now, the number of times have been reducing. But when I came here, it wasn’t flushed with frequency.

I don’t dare to look for the culprit. Well, somehow, I have a prediction though.

After that, I started checking into the toilet bowl surely and swapping the seat before I sit.

>>> クレイジーだぜっ!! It‘s crazy!! :_( <<<

【Small talk】

◎ Bathroom means toilet?!

Hi, I’m our family’s Toilet.
In Australia, they can call a room which have toilets “Bathroom”.
Bathroom is a polite way of saying “Toilet” and it is similar in relation to 「トイレ(Toilet)」and「お手洗い(Otearai)」in Japanese.
Therefore, when you want to ask where the toilet is, you can say “Where is the toilet?” but people who say “Where is the bathroom?” are more common.
This is also one of British English.

By the way, toilets in Australia, the water flushes when you press the button above.
Be sure to flush after using the toilet!!

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ほたるの旅日記-Hotaru’s travel diary-(@hottabi_1123) | Instagramプロフィール

