Hamburg was a very popular Japanese meal for the kids.
Hamburg is its Japanese name and it is usually said “Hamburger” or “Hamburg steak” in English.
It’s similar to Rissoles which is an Australian traditional meal but it uses both pork and beef minces.
Today, I’ll introduce the recipe of Hamburg.
Prep: 45min Cooking: 30min
【INGREDIENTS】 Hamburg (8 fist-sized pieces)
〇 500g Pork mince
〇 500g Beef mince
〇 160ml Milk
〇 2 Eggs
〇 1 1/3 tsp salt
〇 a little pepper
〇 2 tbs tomato sauce
・ 8 slices tasted cheese (For topping)
・200ml Tomato sauce
・70ml Worcestershire sauce
・30ml Soy sauce
・1 tbs Honey
① Chop onions
→ Fry it until it becomes (caramelised) a caramel colour. (Medium heat)
→ move to a plate and cool it down
② Crush the bread in a food processor.
③ Add 〇 to a bowl and mix until it becomes sticky.
④ Divide the mince into 8 equal parts, make it oval and remove air from the inside by passing hand to hand.
⑤ Heat up a pan (Medium heat)
→ Add the mince patties.
→ Turn over when it is browned.
→ Cover with the lid (Low heat) and cook about 10 min.
(⑥ Put the sliced cheese on the meat and cover with the lid again to melt the cheese.)
① Add all of the ingredients in a small saucepan.(Medium heat)
② Mix and heat for about 10 minutes to evaporate some of the moisture.
⇒ Arrange the Hamburg and your favorite vegetables on a plate and it’s done!
Hamburg is a very popular meal in Japan as well.
If you are interested in it, please try cooking it!